The average American home has a bathroom and kitchen with individual sinks, tubs and toilets that are fed by pipes that disappear into the walls before merging with the sewer system. While this makes for a complicated plumbing system, it also means that it may sometimes feel like there is almost no one person in charge of keeping these pipes in good working order. It’s easy to assume that plumbing issues are inevitable and that there’s no way to avoid them.In fact, many of these problems can be prevented with careful maintenance and the occasional inspection by a professional. If you’re in need of some basic plumbing tips and tricks, this article will explain some common misconceptions about plumbing as well as common causes of plumbing problems so that you can address them head-on before they become full-blown issues.

Myth: Plumbing is an expensive and complicated system.

While it is true that the average home has a complex plumbing infrastructure, it’s not necessarily a complex system. Instead, it is a series of interconnected pipes that are managed by a few main components. The pipes themselves are relatively easy to replace, and it’s important to note that they are only one part of the plumbing system.The main things to keep in mind when it comes to plumbing are the water main, the water meter, the main shut-off valve and the drain pipes. While many people assume that these are all equally complicated, the main shut-off valve is actually the most basic of the group. The water meter and water main are both large, black-hued pipes that are difficult to identify in the wild.

Myth: You have to turn off the water before you can fix a toilet.

While it may be true that you need to turn off the main water supply in order to repair your toilet, you don’t actually have to turn off the water to the toilet itself. You can do this by simply covering the toilet’s supply tube with a piece of duct tape or some other water-resistant material.While it may seem like an unsanitary solution, covering the duct tape with another tape to avoid germs is actually a very effective way to avoid cross-contamination.This is especially important if you have young children in your home who may be exposed to bacteria-laden water when they flush the toilet. By covering the water main supply tube to the toilet, you can avoid accidentally spreading bacteria through the rest of your home.

Myth: You can’t trust your neighbours not to flush things that don’t belong down the toilet.

This is definitely one of the most common plumbing misconceptions and is often seen as a direct reference to human nature. We are a society that often expects the worst from one another, but when it comes to plumbing, this can be detrimental to your home.Your neighbours may not know that they have a habit of flushing things down the toilet that don’t belong there. It’s also important to remember that not every home is connected to the same sewer system. If you are renting an apartment, you may not have access to the same pipes that your own home does. You don’t want to flush items like paper towels, feminine hygiene products, or diapers that you are unable to digest. They can cause a clog in your pipes and lead to expensive repairs.

Myth: Leaking pipes are an inevitable part of owning a home.

While it is true that normal wear and tear can lead to leaks in older homes, it’s important to remember that there are many steps you can take to prevent leaks before they become an issue.If you are in the process of purchasing a home, it’s a good idea to have a professional plumbing inspection done to make sure that there are no leaks before you get the keys to your new home. This will help you avoid unexpected costs and will make it easier to sell the home in the future should you choose to do so.

Myth: You can’t see the difference between good and bad plumbing jobs.

While it is true that a good plumbing job is a necessary and challenging endeavour, it can be hard to tell if the job was done well. If you have ever had a plumber come out to your home and perform their services, you probably know how difficult it can be to judge the quality of their workmanship.If you are ever in the process of hiring a plumber, you may want to ask them to sign a contract that outlines their quality of work and guarantees for the job. You can also seek out reviews online from trusted websites.

Bottom line

There are many common misconceptions when it comes to plumbing, but with the right information, you can avoid these issues and have a working system that lasts for many years to come. Remember to invest in regular maintenance and make sure that you know how to use your appliances to best avoid potential problems. With a little bit of effort, you can keep your home’s plumbing in good working order for years to come.