You probably cringe when you hear them, but plumber jokes are actually pretty hilarious. It’s safe to say that every professional group has heard them all before. And, while some of these gags may seem a little unprofessional, we think they’re hilarious! You know, like those times when a plumber fixes something in your home and then tells you that they’ve left a little something behind... Or when a plumber accidentally unclogs the toilet and you find yourself holding a plunger... Or when a plumber gets into an argument with another tradesman and accidentally knocks over the bucket of water they’re standing in. These are some of the best plumber jokes out there...

What’s the meaning behind all the toilet humour?

The meaning behind so many toilet-related jokes is that, no matter how clean your toilet is, it’ll always have a few more hairs in it than you’d like. So, if you have a toilet with no water in it but no plug either, then it’s probably because the plumber plugged the wrong toilet! And if you’ve got a toilet that constantly leaks or runs, then you probably have one of those fancy toilet seats with a remote control. Although we wouldn’t recommend using the remote to flush the toilet, we’re pretty sure we’ve all seen it happen!

Who’s always the worst in the kitchen?

The kitchen is a place where people can let their hair down and be as silly as they want to be. And, when it comes to funny food-related plumber jokes, the kitchen is top of the list for hilarious bathroom humour. So, who’s the worst person in the kitchen? Well, that would be the chef. What happens to the best chefs after they retire? They end up being cooks... And the worst cooks are still chefs!

There are no strangers in the kitchen - only friends you haven’t met yet.

You know the saying “Strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet”? Well, it turns out that it’s also true when it comes to plumbing. What happens when you hire a new plumber? They show up, unplug everything, and plug it back in in the wrong place!

The one thing that you never want to see in the kitchen.

There are plenty of hilarious kitchen plumber jokes that involve bodily functions. And, one of our favourites is the one about the plumber who accidentally unplugs the dishwasher. So, what happens if you drop a plate in the dishwasher and then forget to plug it back in? The water runs red! Ahhh, classic!

Who’s always broke in the bathroom?

There are a few different variations of this one, but they’re all pretty hilarious. Whether it’s a plumber who has a broken toilet or a toilet that doesn’t flush, the bathroom is a place where people can come across some hilarious toilet humour. What happens if you’re in the bathroom and you flush your toilet and it doesn’t go down? That’s because you’re broke!

And finally...

We hope you enjoyed this article and found some of these silly plumber jokes hilarious. And, although they may seem a bit unprofessional, we think they’re hilarious. After all, there’s nothing more unprofessional than a bad plumber joke!