When it comes to plumbing, many people are intimidated by installing their own appliances or simply don’t know where to start when it comes to finding a plumber. As a result, many people end up hiring someone who isn’t properly trained and certified to do the job correctly. This can result in costly mistakes and costly repairs if something goes wrong with your plumbing system.As a result, it is important to learn as much as you can about this aspect of home ownership so that you feel empowered when it comes to making important decisions about your home and its plumbing system. There are many myths surrounding plumbing that don’t always hold up under scrutiny. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ones and what the truth is behind them.

You can buy a house with a broken toilet and expect it to get fixed.

A lot of people assume that when they buy a house that the toilets will be working. However, this isn’t always the case. Many people decide to settle for a house with a broken toilet rather than putting up with the inconvenience of trying to install a working toilet themselves. While this may seem like an acceptable solution at first, it is actually the wrong one.While installing a new toilet on your own may be difficult, it is better than settling for a broken toilet. There are many DIY toilet repair guides available online that outline how to replace a toilet. There are also many YouTube videos out there that show you how to repair broken toilets. If you have to settle for a broken toilet, it’s best to have it fixed as soon as possible to avoid long-term damage.

A plumber is only necessary if you want to install a new kitchen or bathroom.

Some people think that they don’t need a plumber unless they want to install a new kitchen or bathroom. This is not true. In fact, some of the most common plumbing repairs involve the pipes in your kitchen or bathroom. If you have an older house, there is a good chance that some of your pipes are made from materials that are no longer in use.For example, copper pipes that were used in the past are no longer recommended. Instead, modern homes use PVC pipes that are much more efficient and longer lasting.While it is true that most plumbing repairs don’t require a professional, there are a few notable exceptions. If you notice a sudden drop in water pressure or you hear strange noises coming from the pipes, it is best to call a plumber to have them check out the situation.

You can paint the inside of your pipes to make them look new.

This is one of the most common plumbing myths out there. While there are some cases where painting the inside of your pipes may help to clean them out, it is not a long term solution. If you want to make the insides of your pipes look new again, you should use a waterproof pipe coating.There are many different products out there that you can use to clean and protect the insides of your pipes. While painting the insides of your pipes may seem like a good idea, it is not a long term solution. If you regularly use a pipe cleaner, you can remove most of the paint from your pipes. However, if you use a paintbrush, you are likely to leave paint residue behind. This can be a breeding ground for bacteria and can cause problems with your water pressure and other issues down the road.

You can fix a broken toilet by putting a bucket under it.

This is another of the most common plumbing myths. While you can sometimes use a bucket to catch water from a broken toilet, there are many cases where the toilet is too damaged to fix. If the toilet is leaking, it will be extremely difficult to clean out the inside. This means that you would be better off hiring a plumber to replace the toilet.While you can use a bucket to catch water from a toilet, you should never use it to flush it. This is a major safety hazard that could lead to serious injuries. If the toilet is broken and it is too risky to flush it out, you need to call a plumber.

You can repair a broken toilet by gluing toilet parts together again.

This is another of the most common plumbing myths. While you can sometimes glue broken parts of a toilet together, this is not a long term solution. If the glue fails, the toilet could start leaking again. If you have a broken toilet, it is best to call a plumber and have it repaired.While it is possible to repair a broken toilet, it is a very difficult process that requires special tools and skills. In addition, you will likely have to replace the toilet completely.

The cost of repairing a broken toilet is more than the cost of replacing it.

This is another of the most common plumbing myths. While it is true that the cost of repairing a broken toilet is likely higher than the cost of replacing it, it is not always the case. Many people assume that the cost of repairing a broken toilet will be so much more than replacing it that they don’t bother repairing it at all.However, this is not always the case. If you can repair your broken toilet with parts that are easy to find and replace, you may find that repairing it is cheaper than replacing it. This is especially true if you can find the part on a secondhand market.

When it comes to plumbing, you can never have too much of a bad thing.

This is another of the most common plumbing myths. Many people think that you should only use the amount of water in your home that is necessary. However, this is not always the case. There are many cases where it is necessary to use more water than your home’s pipes are capable of handling. For example, if you have a large family, or if you have a lot of landscaping, you may need to use more water than what your pipes are equipped to handle.


When it comes to plumbing and your house, there are many myths surrounding it that don’t always hold up under scrutiny. It is important to learn as much as you can about this aspect of home ownership so that you feel empowered when it comes to making important decisions about your home and its plumbing system.There are many myths surrounding plumbing that don’t always hold up under scrutiny. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ones and what the truth is behind them.